Sunday, August 14, 2011

SEO Tools Every Small Business Needs to Use

Small businesses can build the most state-of-the-art website filled with images, interactive tools and sales capabilities, but it doesn’t really matter if consumers can’t find it.

Long gone are the days when consumers in need of a product of service skim the Yellow Pages; now they hop online and do a quick search.

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in maximizing a website’s online presence and giving it the exposure it deserves. Techniques like strong keywords, rankings and searchabilty all have a major impact on making a business show up before its competitors.

Bob of IndSEO, CEO, a full-service SEO agency, said small businesses often struggle with what SEO tools to use.

"There's a lot of theories on what works and what doesn't work," IndSEO said. "[Owners] don't know where to go to get the facts, and in most cases it may not even work. It can leave them with a bad taste in their mouth."

Here are IndSEO's six SEO tools to improve your small business' searchabilty.

No. 1: SEOBook's SEO Toolbar. This is used often to reverse engineer for SEO, IndSEO said. The toolbar sits in a Mozilla Firefox browser and allows users to have a birds-eye view of the ranking factors on any and all websites visited.

"It tells you the page rank of that site and shows all links pointing back to that website," he said. "Links are the currency on the web, if you know what links are pointing to a certain webpage for a keyword, you need to reverse engineer it to get those same links [for your page]."

No. 2: Keyword Spy. This tool allows users to have full access to competitors’ organic and pay-per-click strategies, IndSEO said. Organic keywords are the words that bring web users to your site.

"You can see the keywords they are ranking for, bidding on and how much money they are spending," he said. "When you go into any given market, you should mirror what is already working and look at their data."

No. 3: SEM Rush. This is a keyword research tool that allows you to analyze the keywords for which competitors are ranking, both organically and via AdWords, or keywords being bid on or paid for.

"You can see all of the keywords they are ranking for and how much traffic they get," IndSEO said.

No. 4: Yahoo Site Explorer. The browser can be used for more than just surfing the net. The Yahoo Site Explorer can be helpful for small business owners looking to find the most accurate data for links pointing to a website. IndSEO said this is as simple as typing "Link:" followed by the website you are looking to research.

"It will take you to the site explorer and expose how many pages of content that page had indexed on Google and all links pointing back to the site," he said.

No. 5: Google Analytics. "Every small business should add this to their website," IndSEO said. "It is the only place to get factual data.

You can see everything—where people are entering the site, exiting, how long they stay… it's hard enough to get traffic to the site, you want to keep them there while you can." This tool allows users to analyze traffic data and enhance their strategies accordingly.

No. 6: Google Webmaster Tools. This site breaks down what is affecting your website’s rank.

"You can view errors within your source code, if you happen to get penalized for some reason and your ranking suffers, you can report it," IndSEO said. "You can also check your speed on there." Webmaster Tools can diagnose any issues your page might be having and analyze the links coming to your site.

Prachar is the owner of IndSEO, A Indian based search engine marketing firm offering a variety of SEO related services including reputation management, social media marketing, email marketing, website conversion metrics and mobile phone application development. Please contact to learn more

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Avoid getting banned by Google

If you wake up and find one day that your website isn’t showing anymore in Google, you have been a victim of a Google Ban. This is the worst thing that can happen to your website, especially if you are running a business through your site. Several factors can trigger a Google Ban. Here is a list of ways you can keep your website on Google’s good side.

1. Make sure your have the best uptime possible for your website. This means you must have reliable web hosting. If Google visits your website and it is not up, you may risk Google banning you site.

Do not use spamming techniques to promote your website. This will almost definitely lead to condemnation of your website for at least 6 months. Never use “black hat” methods like doorways, hidden text or cloaking. You are only setting yourself up for disaster.

3. Make sure your content is original and relevant. Websites that duplicate content are punished with lower rankings and even bans. Your content should always be made for human consumption and relate to your website’s theme.

4. Linking is a two way street. Not only should the links going out of your website be quality, but be certain that the links that lead to your website are from Google respected locations as well. Avoid link farms and any paid linking service. Also, excessive linking is a red flag for Google. When you add internal links on your own sites, make sure you do it in moderation and with purposeful intent.

5. Be sure your site is Google friendly. Build your website so that Google is able to index every page. Include a sitemap. Be sure all your pages are working and that there are no broken links.

If you follow the Google “Tips for Optimizing” you will be fine. Don’t try to fool Google with tricky tactics. The price you will pay is far worse than the effort it takes to do things the right way!

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

7 Deadly S.E.O Link-building Mistakes

S.E.O link-building has become one of the main high leverage activities in any online business. The simple fact is that back-links will give you a high page rank and a high page rank will rank you higher in the S.E.R.P's. Obviously this means more traffic and more money.

Back-links make up 90% of your Google rank and because of this, link-building has taken on a life of its own. Most people seem to misunderstand it completely. For starters you should know that not all back links are good links. They can actually hurt you more than help you.

S.E.O Link-building is all about building links that are natural. Google did not design their ranking system to be manipulated. It was designed to reward good sites that get linked to it naturally. That's why getting the right links can be incredibly difficult if you try and do it manually.

Unfortunately, you have to build in links these days otherwise you will not be competitive. If you sit around and wait for sites to link to you, you might wait forever. The good thing is that this also gives the "small guy" a fair shake to get good rankings in Google, Yahoo and M.S.N.

Most guys build Back-links "kamikaze style"; that is they go in there and just get as many links they can from wherever they can and at whatever cost. This is a recipe for disaster. Once your site gets marked by Google, you might as well start over again.

Rogue link-building techniques can render months of hard work useless, so be very careful when building Back-links. Here are the 7 deadly S.E.O link-building mistakes. Avoid them at all costs.

Mistake #1: Mass Link Packages

Obviously, some sleazy and unscrupulous people are out there selling link packages that are not even worth a mention. Most of the time they blast ads out to classified directories or other spam filled networks. These links are the equivalent of buying spam email lists. Don't do it. Your links might end up on banned sites that can really hurt your Google image.

Mistake #2: Link Exchanges

Back in the day, exchanging links was the main S.E.O link-building strategy. You link to me, I link to you and we both win. Right? Wrong! Google caught on to this when hundreds of link farms opened up. Google can easily trace reciprocal links and they simply don't count for much anymore. Getting links from big link exchange networks can actually hurt your business.

Mistake #3: Linking From Non-Indexed Sites

Most people who spend hours building those free Back-links make the mistake of building links on non-indexed sites. For your back links to count, the page on which you have your link has to be indexed. Having links on non-indexed pages means nothing. It's a waste of time.

Mistake #4: Not Using Anchor Text

At first this probably won't sound too scary, but if you build 2,000 links without relevant anchor text your site can easily pass for a spam site that just gets random links. By using anchor text that is related to your site, it gives your links link-juice; meaning it makes your links relevant and increases the perceived value of each link.

Mistake #5: Not Being Relevant

Google is getting smarter by the day. After all it is their business to provide the most relevant information for each and every search that is conducted. If they don't, people will stop using Google. That's why they protect it so vigorously. When you get Back-links from relevant and related sites that would naturally link to you, then the link will count for a lot. Unrelated and random links from any old site really does not make Google see your site as being important.

Mistake #6: Inorganic links

As I mentioned earlier, Google designed the page rank system to work organically. They are looking for links to come to your site naturally. For the most part that means, slowly and consistently over time from a variety of related sites. If you go and get 1000 links overnight from the same site then Google's alarms will go off and you might land yourself in some Back-linking trouble with the big G. Slow and steady wins the race - especially if you have a new site.

Mistake #7: Buying Links

High PR Back-links are worth gold. Quite literally. I've seen a single PR7 link sell for as much as $250 per month. There are a lot of link networks out there that make it their business to sell links on high PR sites. These links have become quite expensive, but the lure of instant results have people buying links like it's going out of fashion. Google is catching on and there has been widespread reports of Google slapping page rank. If links are publicly traded then Google can probably trace them and penalize you.

S.E.O link-building is all about being as natural and as organic as possible. Always go after links that are 1-way, relevant and on sites with a high page rank. If you can get links on pages with a high page rank, even better. Don't fall for the quick-fix promise of so many link building services. In the long run, slow and steady links that look natural will keep sending more and more traffic your way.

I trust this information will help you develop your web-site to a more effective and profitable site for you and all concerned!

Prachar is the owner of IndSEO, A Indian based search engine marketing firm offering a variety of SEO related services including reputation management, social media marketing, email marketing, website conversion metrics and mobile phone application development. Please contact to learn more

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Future of Backlinks

Since the Google "Panda" update a lot has changed. Google has moved the playing field and simple text links are almost counter productive, Pyramid linkbuilding is no longer worth the effort but Contextural Links will get you an almost immediate SERPS improvement. Most of the backlinks you will be offered today will be either, simple text on blog profiles or blog comments. Tens of thousands of both can be done in 24hrs using Scrapebox, and because of that Google is now giving simple text links less weight in SERPS. If you watch the latest video by Matt Cutts, Google's own guru, you will learn that contextural backlinks now have the most value. Contextural backlinks are links placed inside an article or blog post that are in the context of their surrounding text, so they look natural. For example an article on firefighting might have links to a firestation URL. These are quite time consuming to create and invariably need an image to get maximum Google juice.

Contextual Links – The Future of Backlinks

There has been much talk in recent months about contextual links as well as how their placements are viewed in the eyes of the search engines particularly Google. In view of this and the importance which incoming links to your website plays in the overall ranking of your website, we look into the detail of linking profiles and how they affect rankings.

Contextual Links and Google

There is little argument to have in terms of the effectiveness of incoming links to your website and how it can under certain circumstances trump all other SEO factors. A great example of this is the domain This link takes you to a Google search for the term ‘something’. This is a highly competitive search term which is searched for by users thousands of times each month.

What aspects of on page SEO do you see? Here is the only code on the page;

I think this emphasises the point rather well. There are a few things to consider here though. The first is the age of the domain which was created on the 28-Jul-1995 making it an aged domain. The second point to consider is the amount of backlinks the page has (28,010 at the time of writing). Without spending hours analysing the quality of these backlinks I am confident that many of them are contributing to the 1st page rankings – it is clearly not the SEO properties which contrinute to its lofty postion in the serps. It also worth noting this domain has held this top position for several years.

Contextual Links – What are the most effective?

Back on topic; in recent months there was a video from Matt Cutts discussing how Google originally viewed links and stated that in the early days it didn’t matter where on a page a link was placed, the flow of page rank was equally split between outgoing links. He goes onto say that Googles Algorithm has changed much since the early days and now they ‘reserve the right’ to view links included within the footer (and sidebar undoubtedly) differently to those included within the actual page content i.e. Contextual Links.

This makes perfect sense given the emphasise which is now placed upon ‘editorial links’ which it stands to reason to carry more weight than those included within footers and sidebars. Why? An editorial link is far more likely to indicate ‘trust’ and authenticity to a search engine than a simple footer link. I would even go as far to suggest that footer and sidebar links are grouped into the ‘paid links’ category which inevitably means their link value is vastly reduced in significance.

Contextual Links – the Future

I am of the opinion that Google has a vast library of link categories which are linked with page placement; this means that they are able to devalue links which hit a set criteria. In order to ensure you gain as much benefit from your link building efforts, the future is Contextual Links. Keep the relevancy and have your links within relevant and on topic content for maximum benefit and leave the footer and sidebar links way down your priority list.

Prachar is the owner of IndSEO, A Indian based search engine marketing firm offering a variety of SEO related services including reputation management, social media marketing, email marketing, website conversion metrics and mobile phone application development. Please contact to learn more

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Twitter Marketing Guide: Tips, Best Practices & More

Twitter is one of the most popular social networking applications on the Internet and its popularity continues to grow stronger each day. To me, the rise of Twitter feels a lot like what happened with Facebook early last year. Below is the ultimate guide to Twitter which includes tips, best practices, Twitter marketing strategies and how to's:

Related Links

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Twitter: 145 Million Users and 300K Apps

Prachar is the owner of IndSEO, A Indian based search engine marketing firm offering a variety of SEO related services including reputation management, social media marketing, email marketing, website conversion metrics and mobile phone application development. Please contact to learn more

Advanced Link Building Strategies to Drive Your Competition Really Mad

Strategies for SEO constantly evolve, as SEOs around the globe battle it out each day to reach the top of search engine result pages in their respective industries. The competitiveness of today’s marketing over the Internet has progressed and has come a long way, in which traditional methodologies are getting pummeled more and more by ingeniously formulated strategies. It’s evident that creativity is the new weapon of choice and the only possible silver bullet by most seasoned marketers when it comes to online marketing.

How do they do it? It’s quite simple, they think outside of the box, and then they take necessary actions to make it work. Here are some of today’s most creative, advanced and effective ways to building high quality backlinks:

Link bait

This is the first one on my list, because it has proven its worth many times and it’s my personal favorite as well. Link bait is a technique that focuses on content creation that is well-researched and implemented, which should result to an extremely interesting, educational or entertaining content. It may come in various forms such as infographics, video or a blog entry that must contain real value in order to attract people or other sites to link to it. This method is doable in 3 simple steps:

· Do a thorough research of your chosen topic and search for other sites which you think will be interested to share your content.

· Write or create the content. The key to a successful link bait is the intent to educate. It doesn’t necessarily need to be too controversial; you’ll just have to make it relevant and to focus with your goal – to exceed your readers’ expectations.

· Once the content is live, start reaching out to your prospects (through email or social media sites preferably) to request if they’ll be interested to share your content, knowing that it might be enjoyed by their readers/followers as well. It is also important that you promote your content wherever and whenever it’s possible, may it be through relevant topics you find on forums, Q&A sites and sharing it with your own social media or bookmarking network.

Advantage: It generates more natural links and can dramatically increase your site’s traffic and visibility. Link bait materials also get good keyword rankings on SERPs more often than not, seeing as real people and other sites link to it using the post or page’s title as anchor text.

Widget Bait

Widget creation or sponsoring one is also a great way to establish high end and sitewide external links, especially if the widget you’ve created or sponsored is exceptionally useful. Being creative to conceptualize one is pretty tough these days, since a lot of new site gadgets are being launched every month. But what mostly works in enticing people to get your application highly depends on its use or the benefit they’ll have from it. It could be in a form of networked blogs, rankings of blogs, or simply constructive tools that help in improving a blog.

Advantage: Capable of providing hundreds of external links from a single site, given that it’s commonly placed on the sidebar, and can definitely pass through massive juice of Pagerank.

Link magnetism

It’s a modern principle for link building, wherein the campaign focuses on triggering emotions and needs from targeted audience by simply giving incentives to be able to acquire links. As cited by SEOmoz’s founder Rand Fishkin, the best example of a link magnet is Vimeo, in which the site is able to generate 3 external links from just utilizing there tools or by embedding videos from them to your site.

How to become a link magnet? Dig deeper and be creative enough to know more from your industry and seek for what your market desperately needs, then develop the solution by giving it as a reward to those who’ll be linking to you. Your brand’s identity plays a big role in being a magnet, because it’s the simplest way to draw attention, take advantage of it as well.

Advantage: Be useful to your community and grab thousands of almost automated but natural links with less effort exerted.


Rounding up posts and contents from other related sites with topics that complement yours has been a solid way in not only generating traffic and links, but also in building relationships, capturing influential people across your industry’s attention and in improving readership in your site/blog. The best thing about this method besides its numerous benefits is that it also expands your opportunities in getting highly relevant links from authority sites and on influential people’s social media platforms, knowing that they’ll be more than happy to share your curated post to their own social networks.

Curation is a method that can easily attract links, and this absolutely works on any niche. Kristi Hines’ Fetching Friday, Gary Lawood’s Sunday Post Round Up, Lisa Barone’s Weekend Coffee Links and Wiep’s Link Building this Month are some of the most recognized curated type of posts in this field.

Advantage: As I’ve said, it can attract links, increase your subscribers, build trust through readership and personal recommendation, build relationships and the best part – it’s easy to write round up posts.

Dead link building

The method focuses on looking up related authority sites and searching for broken/dead links on their pages that are related to your site or to any of your content. Then you’ll simply present your content as a replacement for the defunct link. It’s a time consuming tactic, but definitely worth it once it succeeds. The thing is, this method has a higher success rate compared to the regular link placement requests sent through email outreach – as explained by Napoleon Suarez of Seer Interactive on his post here – given that the link request is offering two good reasons to trust you (notifying them of the dead link and offering a replacement for that link). I’ve seen this tactic done before, as I do read a lot, and as from what I can remember, Scott Jones of Selfmademinds first exposed this technique on a quick post last November.

Searching for dead links can be a tough task, but you can use the Linkchecker plugin for firefox that can help you determine a link’s status through color scheme. The steps to applying this link building strategy are simple:

· Find possible pages that might have broken links related to your niche, commonly links and resources pages. You can use Google search by including “resources” or “links” on your targeted keywords upon making the query.

· Scan the page for broken links using the Linkchecker plugin.

· Contact the webmaster to inform him about the dead link on the page. It’s important to engage first before you request for the link replacement.

· Lastly is to politely suggest your content as an alternative for the link.

Advantage: Higher chances of getting in-content and resource links, which can boost your keyword rankings, particularly if the page is from a .edu or .gov site.

Themes sponsorship and CSS galleries for link building

Encrypted footer links on free themes for WordPress or Joomla can generate thousands of links with your desired keyword used as anchor text, given that hundreds of new blogs are being launched every day. Sponsoring a theme is not that expensive as well, that’s why it certainly is a good investment in starting a massive link building campaign. But you also have to make sure that the website theme/template will somehow relate to your site’s niche, to make most built links relevant. Where can you find theme builders that are looking for sponsors? Search on related forums such as Digitalpoint and Webmasterforum.

Submitting your site to CSS galleries is also a good way to build links – and there are loads of high quality galleries out there. They usually have high PR, high traffic and allow dofollow attributed links. Links built through these galleries can be very relevant, since you can include a description of your site on their pages.

Advantage: You can effortlessly build massive links through free themes, while you can sculpt Pagerank and absorb traffic through CSS galleries. The downside for themes sponsorship is if the links will be permanent or if they can last long, but of course, if you have sponsored a killer theme, I don’t think that your links will die any time soon.

Ebook bait

This method is the best way to acquire links from your tough competitors. You simply make a very resourceful, unbiased and of high quality ebook (works best for ecommerce sites in making price lists and product definitions). You can choose to hide links pointing to your site or product pages within the content or not, depends on how valuable the content is, since your competitors wouldn’t want to fetch the content if it sees you as its source.

After making the content, submit the ebook to various PDF directories, and it will be seen by your competitors naturally. The trick behind with not making your link visible on the PDF is for them to have your ebook as a resource and perhaps upload it on their site, seeing as the PDF was clearly made to just offer information and not to market a brand/site. I don’t think it’s black, because you own the content and you’ve shared it through directories and not to your competitors directly.

Advantage: Greater chances of acquiring links from your top competitors and/or .gov and .edu sites without them knowing it and it’s not blackhat! Plus, you get links from PDF directories as well.

Relationship building

Building relationships around your industry/niche is the certainly one of the most effective ways in obtaining high quality links. The best thing about this strategy is that it’s very expandable and progressive, in which your business is more likely to evolve along the process. Building relevant relationships or networking with other sites that have the same interests as you is very constructive in terms of link building, brand development, client prospecting as well as in enhancing the services or products you have, given that you are also able to extend the reach of your business through learning more about the trade and in absorbing their followers.

Engaging with like-minded people is usually done through constant and relevant interaction, could be profession or personal related. The best ways to reach out to your prospects are through:

· Email outreach

· Phonecall or instant messaging

· Social media (Twitter and Facebook)

· Blog commenting

· Guest blogging

Advantage: Can lead to collaborative work and can certainly produce high quality links through thematic link exchanges, in-content mentions, reviews, referrals, social media mentions (retweets, FB share, stumbleupon, etc…), which means higher search rankings and more relevant traffic.


Making or requesting to submit testimonials to products and/or services that you have acquired and truly believe in is a unique way to build quality and highly trusted backlinks. Whether the product or the service you have availed is related to your business or not, it would still qualify as an arsenal for your site’s link profile, given that these types of pages (testimonials, feedbacks and success stories) are fully optimized to highlight trust to their own customers.

Advantage: Having links from testimonial pages, specifically from authority sites, can pass through Pagerank juice (they allow dofollow links mostly), and sometimes they also allow your targeted keywords to be used as anchor texts, particularly if they were the one who requested for your testimony.

Guest publishing

To start off, there are three types of Guest publishing that can help you generate more natural links.

· Posting guest blogs on other sites. It allows you to acquire links from relevant sites, but it’s best to target those that have higher Pagerank than yours and have high traffic.

Benefits: Passes through Pagerank to your site, improves your keyword rankings, exposure for your brand and you get to absorb relevant traffic from the linking site.

· Inviting influential bloggers in your niche to write guest posts on your site.

Benefits: Guest bloggers usually promote their guest content on their own networks and mostly gives a link on their own blog, which will enable you to captivate their followers and you are getting more chances of having their followers to link to that post as well. You also get an extra and expert content to share to your existing readers/followers.

· User-generated blog section, if your site is a membership site – like SEOmoz’s Youmoz and Affilorama’s Yo Blog.

Benefits: Gives your site more fresh content from various bloggers and of course, it’s impossible for them to not promote their contribution through their own networks, which clearly means more natural links to your site. Basically, you are letting your members build links to your site and promote it virally, making the task semi-automated.


Prizes attract links. Being smart to include the link building scheme in the mechanics and the criteria of the contest is the best way to generate natural links from this strategy. Guest blogging contest is the most common theme for a competition, since it can surely bring lots of benefits to the hosting site such as:

· Natural links from the contestants as they promote their entry for the contest, which leads to more traffic.

· Being able to build relationships with both the participants as well as the contest’s sponsors.

· Having more exceptional content to be added on your site.

· Win-win-win situation, you get the traffic and links, your sponsors and contestants gets more exposure for their brand.

· More user activity on your site’s end, which can uplift the trust factor and visibility of your business.

Reverse Engineering your competitors and link partners

Replicating your competitors’ links is one of the basic concepts of advanced link building. Besides getting a roadmap to where the finish line is; it’s also a channel in which you gain the knowledge of knowing where there weaknesses are, what methods you are missing in your campaign, people you haven’t and obviously need to engage with and how you can win over them.

Getting links where your competitors are linking from is very vital in order to exceed them, because these are half of the overall reason why they are on top. This task doesn’t necessary require technical skills to be applied; you just need to have the right tools and the appropriate approach. You can use tools such as Yahoo Site Explorer and Open Site Explorer in tracking your competitor’s links and seeing the metrics of their off-page optimization campaign – both tools are free to access by the way.

Most marketers also tend to skip on seeking link opportunities from their linking partners and their competitors’ linking partners as well, and that’s one big problem because they are goldmines and most of the time they have the links that your competitors have missed to spot.

Advantage: Generally, you’ll get highly relevant links from scanning your competitors’ territory and mainly supplements the rankings of the competed keyword.

Link building with social signals

As to what both Google and Bing have recently revealed on an interview about social signals on Facebook and Twitter, it’s getting more evident on how social media can massively affect search results, having Retweets as a new link building method. The 2 major search engines are now looking on social media sites in determining the authority of a newly published page if it’s worth the placement on their search results’ top pages. They can now weigh the value of a link from Twitter and Facebook, which highly depends on the authority of the source or through the social influence of the user who’ve shared the link.

Numbers also plays a role in this game, as the more your page is getting talked about on Social channels is the more it gets the attention of those two search engines, which means higher chances of getting higher search engine placements for fresh results. Leveraging your content through Twitter and Facebook will solely base on its quality and the quality of your followers. Having your content shared by influential or authoritative people on social networks is still the best possible way to break through this new strategy, it’s definitely the best time to start building relationships with them.

Advantage: You can expect a much faster and higher results for your content’s SERP rankings.

Random Link Wheel

This is perhaps one of the oldest strategies in link building, and I can also say that it’s one of the most time consuming tasks out there. Link wheel is a content-based strategy that often uses web 2.0 properties (Squidoo, Hubpages, Weebly, Blogger,, etc…), article directories or other support websites to fully optimize the main site’s targeted keyword. This strategy works best with highly competitive keywords.

The basic principle of link wheel is to create web pages with unique and relevant content that will link to the main site, whereas these web pages will also link with each other in a circular pattern, or practically, a page will only link to the next one and to the main site. But today, most experts suggest of randomly linking the created pages, as seen on the image below.

Advantage: Even it requires tedious tasks to be performed; Link wheel has proven its effectiveness, particularly in improving rankings for very competitive keywords in a short span of time.

Advanced content trap strategy

The term was coined by Free Traffic System, though I’ve made some slight revisions to empower the tactic. Basically, it’s an information-based strategy that make use of content driven techniques such as article submission, guest blog posting and web 2.0 content. The Content Trap strategy primarily focuses on targeting longtail keywords related to your site’s theme that have very low competition yet have substantial monthly search count (at least 100 global monthly search queries).

Once you’ve gathered your longtails, it is then time to create articles that are strictly about the targeted keywords, which should be included on the title of the article, URL, mentioned on the first paragraph, used as anchor text directing to the main site, and most importantly, the body copy should accurately relate to the subject/title. Articles can then be submitted to top article directories such as, Web 2.0 properties like Squidoo and Hubpages, or through guest blog posting to related and authority sites. It’s also best to promote those articles as they go live.

You can choose to promote those articles through activity based methods such as posting on relevant topics on forum sites, answering questions on Q&A sites, submitting to social bookmarking sites, and syndicating the articles through RSS feed directories.

Advantage: It lets your site rank for longtail keywords with very low competition that can highly convert traffic. Establishing your brand as an expert through these channels can also drastically increase relevant and highly targeted traffic. See more of this strategy here.


Building links through trackbacks is often underestimated by most marketers today, and they’re missing out on larger opportunities big time. What I really like about link building through trackbacks is that it’s capable of letting you acquire highly relevant links from respected and authority blogs around your industry, including .edu and .gov blogs.

Trackbacks can be done by citing pages or blog posts you intend to obtain links from on your blog or through curated posts. It’s also important that you first research on your prospected pages, if they allow trackbacks or if the trackbacks are dofollow or nofollow.

Advantage: Citing informative external contents can benefit your site in many ways, wherein you get to build links with your targeted keyword as anchor text (since trackbacks mostly display the title of your content as anchor text), grab influential people’s attention and build valuable relationships along the way.

Link building through Google Alerts

Google Alerts is one of the easiest strategies to employ, given that this service from Google practically gives you hints and opportunities for possible link acquisition through your email. And the best part about this is that in Google’s point of view, they see those suggested pages as very relevant to your targeted terms, which will more likely make you rank higher for your targeted keywords.

You can also track and monitor your brand mentions through Google Alerts, and these mentions are opportunities in strengthening your link building campaign, in which you can request for the page where you have been mentioned to include a link on that particular mention (if it’s not hyperlinked) or suggest to use your targeted keywords instead.

Advantage: Very relevant links as suggested by the Big G, meaning higher rankings.

Deep linking and linking to sitemap

Links pointing to deep pages on your site, especially with ecommerce sites’ product pages, is one of the most important key to a successful link building campaign. There are many ways that you can do to promote and build links to your other pages such as:

  • Press release submission
  • Guest blog posting
  • Article marketing
  • Sponsored product reviews
  • Forums, social bookmarking and Q&A sites

While deep linking to your blog posts can be easily done through:

  • RSS Feed directories (Mybloglog, Technorati, Feedage, etc…)
  • Promotion through related forum topics and Q&A sites
  • Blog commenting on CommentLuv enabled blogs
  • Submitting or sharing to social bookmarking and social media sites
  • Sending link requests to be listed as a resource to related content or curated posts

Linking to your sitemap is also a good way to ensure that all your pages are getting crawled and indexed by search engines. You can simply do this in a non-spammy way through external profile pages.

Advantage: Higher SERP rankings for your other important and landing pages and leads to more targeted traffic. It also helps in improving the Pagerank juice flow on your site and faster crawl rates that helps in page indexation.

Content conversion

Making converted copies of your high quality articles can also be a good way to get extra relevant inbound links and here’s how:

  • Create exceptional articles and submit them to top article directories such as,,, and
  • Convert your articles to PDF and submit to various PDF directories like Scribd and Docstoc.
  • Convert your articles to podcast and submit to podcast directories such as Podcastdirectory and NPR.
  • Convert your articles to slides or Powerpoint presentation and submit to online slide hosting sites like Slideshare.
  • Convert your articles to video and upload to video sharing websites like Youtube, Veoh, Vimeo, and many more.
  • Lastly, you can promote all of your converted content by collecting their RSS feeds and creating an RSSMix, which will combine all your feeds together into one new RSS feed. Once you’ve gathered all your feeds into one, you can then submit the RSSmix to several RSS feed directories.

Advantage: Can certainly generate you highly relevant and of high quality links instantly from authority sites.

Getting listed to Top “XXX” Sites in your industry

Aiming high by means of being listed as one of the top sites in your industry or country can deliberately increase your chances of getting more links, and getting links from top listing pages can also benefit your site in many ways, particularly with passing Pagerank, trust and getting higher SERP rankings as well. If your site is in the marketing industry, then this list might be of help to you:

For other industries, it’s not that tough to find link opportunities from similar sites mentioned above. There are other blog ranking sites that have more diverse categories with their listings such as Technorati and Wikio. You can also do a manual search via Google:

  • Top 100 “your keyword” sites
  • Top “your country ” sites

Creating your own blog rankings related to your niche (if your industry has none) can also attract more natural links to your site, wherein you can choose to require those who want to be listed to have reciprocal links to your site using widget or to just let the blog ranking page acquire its own links along the process, since listed sites will link to it and promote it as expected – for pride.

Advantage: These pages are very linkable and usually have high Pageranks. Aiming for the top spots from these pages will also allow your site/blog to improve its overall performance inadvertently or without you noticing its improvements.

Link building and PR sculpting with Profiles and special mentions

Personal or business profiles and special mentions are the types of links that’s quite difficult for your competitors to replicate, especially if those pages are strong in terms of its Pagerank and authority. Promoting or building links to your profiles (such as your Google Profile, etc…) and/or pages from high authority sites where your brand was mentioned –with links of course (interviews, reviews, news articles, cited as source or reference by authority sites with high PR) – will certainly take you a long way, knowing that those pages will pass through Pagerank as well as trust and will serve as a heavy vote for your targeted keywords as these pages improve. Ways to build links to these pages:

  • Interlinking special mentions and your important profile pages through your other profiles on social media sites, social bookmarking sites and through forum signatures.
  • Using your profile pages as URL when commenting on blogs. The juice that you’ll be able to get from other blogs are passed through your profile pages and eventually passed through your main site, so you’re still getting value from those blog comments, especially when crawlers reach your profile page with your targeted keywords used as anchor text.
  • Inclusion of links to strong pages that have specially mentioned your site on your author bio when you do guest posts on other blogs.

Advantage: These are the links that will drive your competitors mad once these pages have obtained higher Pagerank. For this will pass through high amount of Pagerank to your homepage and will certainly have major effect on the rankings of your targeted keywords.

If you find this entry useful, please do share it on Twitter or like it on Stumbleupon

Prachar is the owner of IndSEO, A Indian based search engine marketing firm offering a variety of SEO related services including reputation management, social media marketing, email marketing, website conversion metrics and mobile phone application development. Please contact to learn more

Monday, February 7, 2011

How Google rates the Links and Link Building?

We learned from Google’s patent application last year that Google was changing how they rate links. This didn’t get nearly the attention that I think it deserves and it’s important so I am going to recap the info again now.

Not every link is weighted or valued the same. Google is weighting them based on how likely a “reasonable surfer” would be to click on that link.

To try to figure this out, Google is looking at 2 things:

• link visibility (placement and appearance)

• link relevance

So, no more small text links in footers, no more links buried in comment spam, no more link exchanges where your link sites on a link page with a bunch of others. You need quality links that stand out and are likely to get the click. (Hear that link spammers, no need to keep emailing to ask for link exchanges!)

Linking methods that are no longer effective:

• Forum posting and blog commenting. (Still do it to add value to a conversation and help people but don’t count on link juice from it)

• Social bookmarking. It’s still a helpful resource so use it to be helpful but don’t count on link juice from this.

• Bulk directory submission. This has been a bad idea for a while but it’s worth repeating.

• Bulk link exchange. Bad idea and could result in penalties or being banned from the engines.

Linking methods that are effective:

• Guest blogging. Great way to get exposure for yourself and get a high quality link back to your site.

• Link baiting. This means just putting great content out there that acts as bait and people can’t resist linking to it. The content has to be really good and it really needs to be spread around.

• Press releases. With some effort and some luck, you can get a quality link from big media.

• Social Media. As I mentioned earlier in this article, you can attract links via Twitter (and Facebook).

• Article Syndication. A great way to spread your content (but it has to be good)

Prachar is the owner of IndSEO, A Indian based search engine marketing firm offering a variety of SEO related services including reputation management, social media marketing, email marketing, website conversion metrics and mobile phone application development. Please contact to learn more

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Matt Cutts on Gadgets, Google, and SEO

Algorithm change launched

I just wanted to give a quick update on one thing I mentioned in my search engine spam post.

My post mentioned that “we’re evaluating multiple changes that should help drive spam levels even lower, including one change that primarily affects sites that copy others’ content and sites with low levels of original content.” That change was approved at our weekly quality launch meeting last Thursday and launched earlier this week.

This was a pretty targeted launch: slightly over 2% of queries change in some way, but less than half a percent of search results change enough that someone might really notice. The net effect is that searchers are more likely to see the sites that wrote the original content rather than a site that scraped or copied the original site’s content.

Thanks to Jeff Atwood and the team at Stack Overflow for providing feedback to Google about this issue. I mentioned the update over on Hacker News too, because folks on that site had been discussing specific queries too.

Thanks to

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Simple jQuery Slideshow

For starters, our main goal should be keeping the markup as clean as possible:

Now let’s use CSS to position the images on top of each other and bring the active image to the top level with z-index:

#slideshow {




#slideshow IMG {






#slideshow {



#slideshow IMG.last-active {



Due to absolute positioning, we need to define the height of the slideshow DIV. Also, notice that we defined three different z-indexes—we will manipulate these soon using jQuery.

For the slideshow animation we are going to switch between each photo at a set rate. So let’s start by writing a function that brings in a new photo on top of the last active image:

function slideSwitch() {

var $active = $('#slideshow');

var $next = $;




$(function() {

setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );


Here we set a JavaScript interval to call slideSwitch() every 5 seconds. Then slideSwitch() applies the CSS class ‘active’ to bring the next image to the top of the stack. Since we will select the images more than once within slideSwitch(), we define the variables $active and $next for selector performance.

Next we should incorporate a fade animation. For a gallery like this, fade in and fade out are identical, but let’s not forget to think about what we fade against:

function slideSwitch() {

var $active = $('#slideshow');

var $next = $;


$next.css({opacity: 0.0})


.animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000, function() {

$active.removeClass('active last-active');



$(function() {

setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );


We start by applying the ‘last-active’ class we defined earlier. Since ‘.last-active’ falls after ‘.active’ in the stylesheet, the z-index of 9 takes priority, and the top image drops back a level. Next, we set the opacity of the new image to 0 so that we can fade it in using the animate() function. Finally, we attach a callback to remove the z-index classes from the previous image when animate() completes.

Although our slideshow is working well, we should make it more robust by building in some default variables. First, let’s define a default active image, in case we need to put less stress on the back-end. Also, we can use defaults to make the gallery animation loop.

function slideSwitch() {

var $active = $('#slideshow');

if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#slideshow IMG:last');

var $next = $ ? $

: $('#slideshow IMG:first');


$next.css({opacity: 0.0})


.animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000, function() {

$active.removeClass('active last-active');



$(function() {

setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );


We first define a default image for the $active variable, which interestingly enough needs to be the last image on the stack. This is because through absolute positioning, the last image appears on top, and we need to start with it if we want to avoid any flicker.

For the loop it is pretty simple: all we have to do is point the $next variable to the first image once it has gotten to the end of the line.

If you want to improve this function, try setting the animation speed with a variable so the main slideshow function can be thrown into the core and left alone. Also, this slideshow is easily converted to support DIV’s instead of IMG’s—try programming a slideshow with more content.

Prachar is the owner of IndSEO, A India based search engine marketing firm offering a variety of SEO related services including Reputation Management, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Website Conversion Metrics and Mobile Phone Application Development. Please contact to learn more.

