Friday, March 18, 2011

Twitter Marketing Guide: Tips, Best Practices & More

Twitter is one of the most popular social networking applications on the Internet and its popularity continues to grow stronger each day. To me, the rise of Twitter feels a lot like what happened with Facebook early last year. Below is the ultimate guide to Twitter which includes tips, best practices, Twitter marketing strategies and how to's:

Related Links

Airline Twitter Statistics
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Twitter vs. Facebook Population [Infographic] - Web Analytic...
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Twitter: 145 Million Users and 300K Apps

Prachar is the owner of IndSEO, A Indian based search engine marketing firm offering a variety of SEO related services including reputation management, social media marketing, email marketing, website conversion metrics and mobile phone application development. Please contact to learn more

1 comment:

  1. Use Twitter for business marketing by getting immediate feedback on issues of importance to your company. For example, if you introduce a new style in limited quantities, solicit opinions.

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